How to upgrade your old website
So, you have a website that was pretty great back in the day. But that day was before most people used their mobile devices to access the internet. And no, it doesn’t matter what you spent, or how much work you put in to it; when anyone on a mobile device comes on to your website now, they won’t be able to easily see what services or products you have to offer. The truth is your once awesome website is now not only useless to you, it’s also hurting your business. Because you are competing with a tidal wave of competitive websites that are benefiting from the new advances in technology.
The good news is, it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg to get your website upgraded! Just come on over to Bottle Post Media. Here are just some of the awesome website improvements we can do for you:
Mobile Responsive Design
An easy way to understand what mobile responsive design does is to compare it to a liquid. A liquid will spread out or draw in depending upon where you pour it in. It also retains its appearance; milk will still be milk no matter if you pour into a mug, glass or jug. Responsive web design does exactly the same. That means that your products, texts, blogs, pictures, video’s, menu’s, or whatever else you have on your website will move freely across all screen sizes and all devices.
Social Media Integration
People on social media are the first to see the latest news about your products or services, and they have the ability to easily share that information with their network of friends and followers. What this does is promote your business and brand to new potential customers. You need to have social media integrated into your website, if not you’re missing out on marketing your business. We’ll upgrade your website with button’s for easy social media sharing.
Search Engine Optimization
When it comes to ranking your website search engines like Google are placing a big emphasis on user experience. If people can’t read your website or if it is slow to load because it’s not mobile responsive; that’s going to cost you. And we’re not just talking about the potential customers who are never coming back. Your website is going to slide into search engine oblivion. The new mobile responsive version of your website will be user- and search engine friendly, which will increase your traffic.