The main advantage of a multilingual website is that you can reach an international audience. In addition, a multilingual website not only looks professional, but it is also a clear sign of being customer friendly. You are addressing your visitors and customers in their own language, which increases their confidence in your product or service. Bottle Post Media multilingual websites are available in English, Spanish, Dutch, German, Norwegian, French, Swedish or Russian.
Why do people use a search engine like Google? Because they are looking for something specific! And so the most important functions for your website is to deliver relevant content to its visitors. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures that through the use of keywords, meta tags, etc. that are appropriate for your business, visitors can find your website. Our websites are optimally designed and built for readability and indexing by search engines.
Nowadays most services and products are searched for and found online through a desktop, tablet or mobile phone. So you want to make sure that visitors can quickly and easily find what they are looking for. Because you may have the most amazing business model, but with a boring or badly designed website, you will miss out on a substantial amount of customers and opportunities. Visitors will have bad impression of your business, leave and probably never come back. So yes, it is more important today than ever to have a strong customer centered presence.